Your Guides

Sue Dawson

A seasoned embodiment movement specialist, dedicating her life to movement and empowerment. With over 30 years of teaching, studying, and practicing.

Sue includes integral practices alongside embodiment coaching, to bring what’s needed for development and finding more ease and peace in mind, body and soul.

Her skills enable her to “join the dots” from how you experience sensations in your body and how they relate to your emotions, feelings, and how you think. All of these impact how you move. Sue has the ability to translate this information in a way that makes all things seem easy to understand to support change and finding balance. Sue is able to skilfully integrate the insights from her broad yet deep approach, in order to get to the underlying issues, so that clients can overcome their challenges, rather than just work on the symptoms. Enabling you to show up, how you want to experience life.

Her approach is compassionate, empowering, fun, supportive and dedicated to your whole wellbeing.

Peter Dawson, Integral8

An Integral Coach who coaches, leads and teaches globally. He is highly skilled in wellbeing practices, as a meditation practitioner and teacher. Pease check out his website for his bio.

Peter is known for his amazing ability to see multiple perspectives, patterns and help people solve problems and illuminate what holds people back from their true potential. He is an amazing listener and works from place of deep wisdom and compassion and can see clearly through illusions and obstructions.

His approach is compassionately challenging to make you think and go deeper into your own being. He is supportive and dedicated to your growth and finding inner peace in all that you do.

Together they compliment each other and each others practices, they have great insights with many years of supporting and guiding people through life’s many experiences, relationships, both personal and at work. Together they are there to support and guide you, on your transformative journey.

Both hosts are Insight Timer worldwide meditation teachers and you can find a taster of some of their practices..


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