Embodiment and Somatic AWAKEN & TRANSFORM your Life


A journey towards unparalleled freedom and ease in movement and life.

Drawing on Sue's many years of teachings, trainings, personal wisdoms and working with hundreds of clients over 33 years of wellbeing teachings in somatic and kinaesthetic development, breath, neuroscience, dynamic imagery and understanding habits.

Sue supports and empowers you to sense greater peace in all dimensions.

She will address persistent physical discomforts, helping you to see and reveal the underlying emotional and mental patterns that go hand in hand.

Through her guidance, release these constraints and embrace a renewed sense of confidence and ease in your whole being, optimising performance

Frequency is the key!

Knowing information is not enough, one session is not enough, to be successful you need frequency and commitment to put it into practice to make it habitual, someone there to guide you and support you on your journey of transformation, so you can put knowledge into action and embody transformation and make it happen! Even if you are unsure of that that is right now, if you feel stuck, if you feel you are done with the same old, same old, let me help you join the dots so you can awaken and transform !

Transform your mind, body and soul for integral wellbeing, for a deeper dive and commitment to your souls alignment.

I can not wait to guide you. Sue xx

bo professional and personal spheres.