Pilates Series

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An Introduction to Pilates: A Journey of Breath, Control, and Grace

Embarking on a Pilates journey is akin to learning a new language, where every movement communicates harmony between the mind and body. As we begin, remember, it’s about the journey, not just the destination.

1. Arriving on the Mat: Breath and Connection

Start by lying comfortably on your mat with your knees bent and feet hip-distance apart.

Close your eyes and take a moment to connect with the present. Feel the mat beneath you and the air around you.

Begin becoming aware of your breathing, inhaling through the nose, allowing your whole ribcage to expand, focus on the back of the lower ribs, and allow the belly to rise. Exhale slowly through the mouth, letting go of any tension. This breath is your anchor, grounding you and preparing you for the exercises ahead. So stay here a while, enjoy this moment of becoming connected and focused. Letting go of the day, anything thats been bothering and use this time to focus and come back to the nowness.

2. Pelvic Tilts and Discovering Neutral

From your relaxed neutral position, gently tilt your pubic bone toward the sky, letting your lower back spread wide into the mat, then tilt the pubic bone downwards towards the mat, arching your back slightly and lengthen the front body. Notice how this feels and how can you find more ease and mobility to your back and hips as you do this several times, slowly and mindfully.

After a few tilts, find the midpoint - your neutral spine. This is your body's most natural and supportive position.

3. Bridge Rolls (With the Breath of a Flowing River)

From your neutral spine, inhale with present and conscious awareness to your breath, peel your spine up and off the mat, vertebra by vertebra, lifting your hips into a bridge. inner knees moving forward. Feet connected to the floor.

Exhale, lower your spine back to the mat one segment at a time and feel fluid like a river moving freely through your spine from your heart to your pelvis.

  • Notice, does the river run smoothly or do you notice there are areas in your spine that feel blocked, stagnated or over active

  • Repeat a few ties, slowly and be aware of all sensations

4. Side-Lying Open Door

Lie on your side with your legs bent at 90 degrees and stacked one on top of the other- feel free to add a cushion between the legs for comfort. Place your head on an outstretched arm, which will act like a support system for your head as you move, or place your head on a small cushion.

Lift your top arm, while keeping your knees together, creating a long swoop with the arm, like a rainbow over your body, opening the “door” allow the head and neck, thoracic spine to move into rotation following the arm.

Slowly close the 'door'. Repeat this movement, ensuring you maintain the stability of your pelvis throughout.

Where do you feel you hold any tensions, shoulder / chest / jaw /pelvis? and how can you relax into that and how can you move fluidly without gripping?

5. Breaststroke Prep 1 & 2

Lie face down with your forehead resting on the mat or a small cushion, legs straight and arms bent with hands near your shoulders. In a “w” position. This can also be done standing with arms on the walll, or kneeling if you are unable to lie on your belly for any reason.

Prep 1: Find the length of your body, keep your neck long. Keeping your forearms down, but not locked, but feel a downward pull down the spine, Lift your upper body slightly off the mat using the strength of your upper back and feel the breastbone move forward the short end of your mat. Lower gently. Take a breath and repeat after establishing your start position. repeat 2-8x look for length in the spine as you lower down.

* **Prep 2:** Extend your arms down by your sides. As you lift your upper body, open the chest and shoulders and lift to a dart position, one long line. Let the arms move towards the feet, either in contact with the floor or slightly raise them. Lower and repeat 2-8x keep the arms long and the back of the shoulders active when you lift.

**6. Shell Stretch with Breath Focus**

* Sit back on your heels, or a cushion / bolster reaching your arms forward if available, and resting your forehead on the mat. This is a restful position so try to relax here, If your knees are uncomfortable even with the cushion either come to all fours and round your back or lie on your back and hug your knees.

* As you breathe, imagine the expansion of your back with every inhale and the release of tension with every exhale. How does this feel? What can you do to find a richer breath or more ease in th back or knees?

**7. Seated Mermaid**

* Sit with your legs folded to one side, one leg in front of the other. If you prefer to sit on a chair, please do, and have the legs just in front of you or to the side.

* Reach one arm overhead while the other supports you on the mat or chair leg. Feel a stretch to the side body, use your breath to expand the ribs and create space, Let the body float up on the inhale

* Return to center and switch sides, by sensing a floating sensation upwards, imagining the fluid movement of water flowing.

Come back to breath awareness and notice how you feel. If you posture feels different, and what can you do to keep feeling this way?

Embrace this practice as a dance between your breath, body, and spirit. Remember, each day on the mat is a new opportunity to learn, grow, and rediscover yourself.

It doesn’t matter where you are on your Pilates or movement journey, there is always something to explore and learn

Thank you for being here and see you soon

Watch out for the next blog in the Pilates series

Sue xx


Calming Practices to Sense Greater Peace


Balancing the Hustle: Embracing Yin and Restorative Practices